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1. Conditions of use of the site

Consultation and use of the Site

The site accessible via the URL (hereinafter the “Site”) is published and operated by the company Apnée Swimwear (hereinafter “the Publisher”) in compliance with French legislation .

Use of this Site is governed by these General Conditions of Use. By using the Site, you acknowledge having read these conditions and having accepted them. These may be modified at any time and without notice by the Publisher who cannot be held responsible in any way for improper use of the service.

The Site allows you to view product offers and content, as well as news related to the Publisher's activity. Any unauthorized use of all or part of the Site and its contents is prohibited.

The Publisher disclaims all liability in the event of unauthorized distribution, modification or misappropriation of content published on the Site. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to use all or part of the Site or its contents for advertising, promotional or commercial purposes, without the express prior authorization of the Publisher.

Intellectual property

The Site and its content (texts, images and visuals, graphics, animations, sounds, videos, data, databases, architecture, illustrations and software) are the exclusive property of the Publisher, as well as the company's brands and logos. Apnée Swimwear, within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code, copyright and applicable international agreements.

Any reproduction, representation, extraction, modification, distribution or exploitation, total or partial, of the Site or any of the elements which compose it, is strictly prohibited, without prior authorization from the Publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction of any element of the Site, as well as any extraction of content or data from the Site including lists and presentations of products, is liable to legal action for counterfeiting (articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code), unfair competition or damage to image in particular.

Site Availability

The Site operates 24/7. However, in the event of force majeure, connection slowdown or imponderable communications networks, access to all or part of the Site may be slowed down or interrupted.

In addition, the Publisher or its technical service provider may be required to carry out any corrective or preventive maintenance of the Site or its hosting infrastructure. Consequently, the Publisher assumes no guarantee of availability or continuity of access to the Site.


The Publisher may collect personal data from visitors to the Site if they register. This data is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the confidentiality policy to which it is referred.


The Publisher makes its best efforts to ensure that the information accessible on the Site is accurate, current and lawful.

However, the Publisher assumes no express or tacit guarantee concerning the content of the Site, in particular with regard to product descriptions. Illustrations, photos and descriptions are indicative and not contractual. Any content downloaded is done at the user's own risk and under their sole responsibility.

Consequently, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by the user's computer or any loss of data following downloading. The Hypertext links set up within the framework of the Site towards other resources present on the Internet network cannot engage the responsibility of the Publisher.

If, despite our vigilance, you notice errors on the Site, do not hesitate to let us know by writing to:

The Site and its content are subject to French law. Any dispute is subject to the courts and tribunals of Paris.

2. Legal notices

Site editor:

APNÉE SWIMWEAR - simplified joint stock company with capital of €510, whose head office is located at 8, rue Dautancourt - 75017 Paris, and registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 828 338 186.

Tel: 0666972004


Director of publication:

Laëtitia Olivieri

Host :

Company name: Shopify, Inc.
Head office: 150 Elginstreet, Suite 800, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L4, Canada

Extended producer responsibility:

The company Apnée Swimwear is up to date with its contributions to the eco-organization REFASHION under the unique identifier number: FR379542_11PFRT .

The Apnée Swimwear company donates its contribution eco-packaging from the eco-organization LEKO under the unique identifier number: FR379542_01XULB .