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Passionate and fervent lovers of the seabed, we sought to create a brand in line with our intimate convictions.

Shaping a universe whose history gives pride of place to the underwater world, like Jacques Mayol and Enzo Maiorca, mythical freedivers who never cease to inspire us.

An idea which, over the course of our expeditions, has turned into a deep desire: to transcribe the magnificence of the oceans through swimwear pieces for men. This is how Apnée was born, a brand that we wanted to be elegant, high-end and modern, while remaining accessible.

After nine months of intense research, three excursions to the north of Portugal, multiple exchanges with craftsmen with know-how and inexhaustible enthusiasm, this project was born in May 2017.

Apnée is the promise of basics with ideal proportions, collections punctuated by sunny stopovers and swimsuits designed for summer explorers in search of great thrills.

More than offering you timeless pieces at a fair price, we want to offer you committed and responsible swimwear pieces. This is how our printed swim shorts are 100% recycled from plastic waste collected in the Mediterranean Sea and on the beaches.

Ecology and safeguarding the Big Blue are at the heart of our concerns today, and guide our creative approach on a daily basis to offer you, season after season, new timeless, elegant and responsible pieces.

We are ocean lovers!

Nos fondateurs

Originaire de Corse, j'entretiens un lien particulier avec la Méditerranée.  L'odeur du maquis, la nature sauvage, la grande bleue à l'infini, un besoin vital pour me ressourcer.  Ma rencontre avec Apnée fut un coup de foudre immédiat. 

L'univers d'Apnée fait la part belle au monde sous-marin, à l’instar de Jacques Mayol et Enzo Maiorca, plongeurs apnéistes mythiques et héros du “Grand Bleu”, dont les destinées hors du commun n’ont de cesse de nous inspirer. “

L'idée est née d'un profond désir : retranscrire la magnificence des océans à travers des pièces swimwear pour homme engagées et responsables, reconnaissables par leurs imprimés graphiques.

Notre équipe

Après neuf mois de recherches intensives, trois voyages au nord du Portugal et des collaborations avec des artisans, Apnée voit le jour en mai 2017, revisitant le maillot de bain masculin. D'abord, des shorts de bain 100% recyclés conçus pour les aventuriers de l'été, promettant des basiques intemporels. Puis, au fil de l’eau, la marque enrichit ses collections avec des pièces beachwear, inspirées par des escales ensoleillées.

L'aventure perdure grâce à une équipe d'Ocean lovers passionnés : Eulalie, Nicolas, piliers depuis le début de l'aventure, mais aussi Justine, Teresa, Flavio, Antonio, Océane, Axel, Lucie, Sebastien, Enis.... et rien ne serait possible sans le soutien de nos clients fidèles qui nous persuadent de ne rien lâcher même quand c'est difficile.


Our mission: to create beautiful clothes that last over time, but above all are environmentally friendly.

But how can we reduce our environmental impact?

The idea was born to create 100% recycled swimsuits from plastic bottles collected in the Mediterranean Sea and on beaches. In this way, we turn waste into a resource.

Ecology and the preservation of the Big Blue are today at the heart of our concerns, and guide our daily creative approach to offer you season after season new committed and responsible pieces.

Find out more about our eco-responsible commitment


Our obsession: the impeccable quality of our clothes and attention to detail. More than a know-how, Apnée is a state of mind.

Our products are designed in France and shaped in the North of Portugal in a region recognized for its expertise and know-how.

At Apnée, nothing is left to chance, always with the ambition to go further in terms of quality, comfort and elegance.

Discover our know-how


Apnée is the promise of timeless clothing, collections punctuated by sunny stopovers, for Ocean Lovers in search of great thrills.

Dive into the heart of our collections