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Article: When Apnée draws inspiration from the seabed: The “Corals” print

Lorsqu'Apnée s'inspire des fonds marins : L'imprimé "Coraux"

When Apnée draws inspiration from the seabed: The “Corals” print

The Ocean is an inexhaustible source of beauty and inspiration. What makes us stand out at Apnée are our eco-friendly swimsuits and their unique prints . The prints of the latter draw their inspiration directly from marine treasures. Among our flagship creations, the "Corals" print stands out for its vibrant beauty and its powerful ecological message.
Let’s explore how our print reflects Apnée’s commitment to marine conservation and their partnership with the Coral Guardian association.

The “Corals” Print: A tribute to underwater beauty

Coral reefs are often called the rainforests of the sea. Rich in biodiversity, they are home to a multitude of marine life and play a crucial role in the health of the oceans. Our "Corals" Apnée print captures this diversity and splendor through colorful and vibrant patterns. The different colors of "Corals" swim shorts are a testament to the diversity of underwater life.

Mustard Coral swim shorts

Just as there are corals of various colors in the oceans, Apnée offers its "Corals" print in an elegant mustard shade. This color recalls the yellow corals found in tropical reefs, symbols of light and heat. Yellow corals play a crucial role in marine biodiversity, providing habitat and protection to many marine species.
In the same way, our Coral Mustard Apnea men's swimsuit embodies solar energy and optimism, inviting you to enjoy the summer while recalling the importance of preserving these natural treasures.

The blue Coral swimming shorts

Apnée’s other “Coraux” print variation comes in blue, a calming color that evokes the deep-sea blue corals. These often rarer corals add a touch of mystery and majesty to coral reefs. They play an equally essential role in underwater ecosystems, contributing to the diversity and health of reefs. Our Apnée Blue Coraux swim shorts reflect this subtle elegance and serenity, offering a perfect choice for those looking to combine style with environmental awareness.

Apnée's Commitment to the Preservation of the Environment and Especially the Oceans

At Apnée, we don’t just take inspiration from nature, we are also actively committed to its preservation. All of their swimwear is made from recycled materials, including plastics recovered from the oceans. This approach is part of a desire to reduce the ecological footprint of the fashion industry. The “Coraux” print is therefore not only an aesthetic tribute, but also a symbol of Apnée’s commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion.

Coral Guardian: at Apnée we support and protect the seabed

Coral Guardian is a French association founded in 2012 working for the conservation of coral ecosystems in Indonesia and the Mediterranean, by involving local populations through the restoration, preservation and enhancement of corals, degraded by Man. Their mission is to preserve these vital ecosystems and to raise public awareness of their importance. Apnée supports Coral Guardian by donating part of its profits to the association. Thanks to this partnership, each purchase of an Apnée swimsuit contributes directly to the preservation of corals.

You too can take part in this partnership

Indeed, you too can become an actor in this partnership with Coral Guardian. Support Coral Guardian by making a donation when paying for your order, or on their website by adopting a coral , and thus contribute to the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.

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